
Addressing the Unauthorized Use of Business News by AI Platforms

Published June 12, 2024

Forbes Chief Content Officer Randall Lane highlighted a challenging incident where Perplexity, an AI company, misappropriated content from Forbes without consent and published it. The issue came to light when Forbes Executive Editor John Paczkowski confronted Perplexity's representative Srinivas. Srinivas acknowledged the issue, merely describing it as a 'product feature' with some 'rough edges' - a situation that raised eyebrows within the journalism community.

Plagiarism Disguised as a Feature

Despite the accusation of content theft, there was no immediate corrective action from Perplexity, such as removal of the story, an apology, or even proper attribution. The incident, however, spurred some internal changes at Perplexity, including better highlighting of sources in their blog posts and image sourcing, but they still lacked direct attribution within the stolen articles themselves.

The Impact of Misrepresented Traffic

Srinivas went on to tout Perplexity as a significant traffic referrer for media sites, particularly Forbes. However, the actual impact of Perplexity on Forbes' traffic was minimal, ranking it far below as a source of audience traffic when considering all channels including social media, aggregators, and search engines. While Perplexity eagerly claimed to be a protagonist in driving readership, the numbers told a different story.

The Broader Implications on AI Ethics

Lane addressed the broader implications of this issue, emphasizing the essential role of ethical oversight in AI development and use. With the increasing integration of AI in various sectors, the potential for productivity and progress is immense. However, if not managed responsibly, AI could pose significant ethical risks, as illustrated by the Perplexity incident. Therefore, the human element in AI oversight cannot be overlooked, especially concerning originality and intellectual property rights.

ethics, AI, plagiarism