
AI’s Pervasive Presence at CES 2024 Unfazed by Sam Altman’s Absence

Published January 4, 2024

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2024 is set to underline artificial intelligence's growing influence on the tech industry, showcasing AI innovations across various devices, despite OpenAI CEO Sam Altman not attending the event in person. CES 2024, scheduled from January 9-12 in Las Vegas, promises a diverse showcase of AI-powered gadgets ranging from those assisting visually impaired individuals to advanced vehicle safety systems.

AI Across the Spectrum

Even without Altman’s physical presence, OpenAI’s impact on technology today is evident. Companies are eagerly revealing new AI capabilities in gadgets aiming for consumer appeal. For instance, some upcoming announcements include sophisticated AI applications that offer proactive security in schools or novel health monitoring features for individuals.

AI in Automotive and Beyond

The automotive industry is seeing a shift towards AI that offers personalized experiences, such as Cabin monitoring systems and virtual assistants that improve safety and optimize the driving experience. Automakers are not only integrating AI into vehicles but are also using it to streamline manufacturing processes. Meanwhile, PC and smartphone manufacturers, alongside chipmakers like Intel and AMD, are expected to highlight how AI is being woven into their products, possibly heralding a new direction for consumer technology.

AI's Consumer Impact Still Debated

Although AI innovations like ChatGPT have gained consumer interest, the practical benefits of embedding similar AI capabilities in everyday devices remain to be seen. Companies are striving to demonstrate the utility of these AI advancements to consumers who may be uncertain about the need for such features in their gadgets. Despite OpenAI’s model's popularity, the challenge for the tech industry lies in translating AI's complex functions into tangible consumer benefits.

AI, CES, consumer