
Alexa Integrates Three New AI-Powered Skills for Enhanced Interaction

Published January 10, 2024

The landscape of artificial intelligence is continuously evolving and making headway into consumer technology. Amazon, a prominent figure in this transformation, has recently introduced a trio of innovative AI skills for Alexa that amplify the virtual assistant's capabilities. These skills are a testament to the AI-centric focus at the latest CES and are now available to all users of Echo and Alexa-enabled devices.

Converse with Historical Figures and More Using Character.AI

The first of these skills, dubbed Character.AI, invites users to engage in conversations with an array of chatbots, ranging from historical personalities like Socrates to experts in various fields. Not only can you glean insights into philosophy or physics, but you can also interact with AI coaches and assistants for personalized advice. To launch this experience, simply say: "Alexa, open Character.AI," and choose your character of interest for a chat.

Unleash Your Creativity with Splash

The second skill, known as Splash, leverages AI to craft unique musical pieces from your specifications. Whether you desire a specific genre or a spontaneous composition, Splash promises a fun, creative escape. By prompting Alexa with: "Alexa, create a song with Splash Music," the AI begins the song-making process, offering personalization options along the way.

Test Your Wits with Volley Games

For game enthusiasts, Volley Games offers an AI-enhanced version of the classic 20 questions game. With the AI host providing the category, users can begin the guessing game by asking strategic yes-or-no questions. If you're ever at a loss, hints are available to guide you towards the answer. Kick off the game with: "Alexa, open Volley Games," and see if you can outsmart the AI.

These cutting-edge skills come as a result of Amazon's innovative tools introduced for facilitating AI inclusion in Alexa skills. With these integrations, users can now interact more seamlessly with their virtual assistant and enjoy a richer, more personalized Alexa experience.

Alexa, AI, CES