
Elon Musk Showcases Tesla's Optimus Robot Taking a Stroll

Published February 1, 2024

Robotics has increasingly become a field where innovation and human-like mechanics converge, and the company Boston Dynamics, acquired by Hyundai, stands at the forefront with outstanding creations like the Atlas bipedal robot. Their videos capturing Atlas' dynamic capabilities in running, jumping, and executing impressive maneuvers have captured global attention.

Enter Tesla's Contender: Optimus

However, Boston Dynamics isn't the sole contender in the race to develop human-mimicking robots. Tesla, led by CEO Elon Musk, is making strides with its Optimus humanoid robot. Tesla ventured into the robotics realm with an intention to craft a commercially viable bipedal machine.

At the end of January, Musk brought Optimus into the public eye once again by sharing footage on the social platform X, previously known as Twitter. The short clip, titled 'Going for a Walk with Optimus,' captured the Tesla robot ambulating independently, a significant milestone given the earlier skepticism the project faced.

The unveiling of Optimus occurred during Tesla's AI Day in 2022, which was met with a mixed reaction. The previous year, Musk had hinted at Tesla's robotic aspirations through a presentation featuring a person in a robot costume dancing—a spectacle that drew criticism from industry commentators for being more show than substance. Notably, Carl Berry, a robotics academic, voiced a strong opinion to The Verge, dismissing the endeavor altogether.

Despite early doubts, Tesla has outlined ambitious plans for Optimus, forecasting a price point around $20,000. According to the company, the robot could perform mundane and repetitive tasks, increasing efficiency and safety. Demonstrations prior to the walking video showed Optimus performing the simple yet intricate task of folding a shirt, suggesting a range of potential domestic and industrial applications.

Tesla, Robotics, Optimus