
Square Enix Incorporates AI-generated Art in New 'Foamstars' Game

Published January 16, 2024

Upcoming multiplayer game Foamstars, from gaming giant Square Enix, will feature AI-generated artwork alongside human-created content. Producer Kosuke Okatani revealed in a recent interview that the game's development team utilized the AI tool Midjourney to design album cover art for the game's soundtrack. Despite this technological integration, Okatani emphasized that the core gameplay and key elements that make the experience enjoyable were crafted by hand.

Human Touch Remains Central

Okatani assured fans that the fundamental aspects of Foamstars, such as gameplay mechanics and user engagement features, were developed through traditional, human-led processes. The usage of AI was an experimental touch, augmenting the artistic process but not replacing it.

Square Enix and AI: A Strategic Approach

Earlier this year, Takashi Kiryu, the president of Square Enix, expressed the company's commitment to actively engage with AI in both game development and publishing. He outlined a strategy that aims to both improve development productivity in the short term and eventually lead to the creation of innovative new content, viewing technological advancements as pivotal business opportunities.

AI in the Gaming Industry

AI's growing role in game development has garnered mixed reactions. While some advancements, such as Inworld AI's partnership with Xbox to create AI NPCs and narratives, have been welcomed, others, like the use of text-to-speech technology for character voices, have sparked controversy. Nonetheless, AI continues to be an influential factor in the industry.

The Debate Over AI and Copyright

The use of AI tools like Midjourney by Square Enix raises complex copyright issues, especially since artists have sued AI tools for allegedly infringing on their rights. Concerns also extend to the potential impact on employment within the gaming industry. Nevertheless, Square Enix's public relations representative clarified that the AI was used solely to generate abstract images, which were then selected as the final album covers seen in the game, with the rest of the development being carried out entirely by their team.

SquareEnix, AI, Foamstars