
Will AI Be The New Highlight of Apple's Upcoming iPhone?

Published June 7, 2024

With excitement building up for the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) hosted by Apple Inc., the industry is buzzing about the upcoming enhancements to Apple's mobile operating system and the integration of generative artificial intelligence (AI).

Generative AI, The Next Big Step for Apple

Despite being a dominant force in the tech market, Apple has been relatively slow to integrate a dedicated generative AI strategy. All eyes are now on the company as it is expected to make AI a cornerstone of its upcoming products, possibly with the launch of new iPhone models, speculated to be the iPhone 16, in the fall season. These new models are anticipated to feature on-device AI processing, allowing for more sophisticated AI algorithms to run directly on the iPhone hardware.

Siri's Evolution with AI

Another anticipated development is the upgrade of Apple's digital assistant Siri, which has been assisting users for over a decade. Analysts are looking forward to potentially witnessing the most comprehensive AI-driven overhaul in Siri's history, enhancing its capabilities and interactions with users.

A Surge in iPhone Sales Expected

The compelling question facing both consumers and analysts alike is whether AI enhancements can significantly spur iPhone sales. In the past, iPhones have seen sales spikes following major features like larger screen sizes and 5G technology. Analyst consensus suggests a positive outlook, with AI-powered iPhones predicted to drive a 9% increase in sales, projecting 242 million units by end of the fiscal year in September 2025.

The Competition and Market Trends

Apple's move comes at a time when the smartphone market is seen as mature, with users holding onto their devices longer. This fiscal year's projected sales figures show a potential decline, which would mark an unprecedented downturn in iPhone sales history. Nevertheless, competitors' experiences, such as Samsung’s initial AI phone release, indicate that there is a consumer appetite for AI features, suggesting that Apple's upcoming AI enhancements may rebalance the trend.

Monitoring the Share Movements

From a financial perspective, Apple's share prices are seeing subtle positive movements. Although the future success of AI-integrated iPhones is yet to be determined, investors and consumers alike are watching closely as Apple takes its next big technological leap forward.

Apple, AI, iPhone