Head to Head Survey: Aeries Technology (AERT) and Its Rivals
This analysis focuses on Aeries Technology, Inc. and how it stands against its competitors in the management consulting services sector.
A comparison of Aeries Technology and its competitors reveals certain aspects of profitability, specifically looking at net margins, return on equity, and return on assets.
Net Margins | Return on Equity | Return on Assets | |
Aeries Technology | -3.60% | -3.80% | -5.19% |
Aeries Technology Competitors | -31.90% | -27.95% | -10.28% |
Aeries Technology demonstrates relatively better profitability metrics compared to its rivals, especially in net margins.
Volatility & Risk
In terms of stock market volatility, Aeries Technology has a beta of -0.63, indicating that its share price is 163% less volatile than the S&P 500 index. In contrast, its rivals show a beta of -1.15, suggesting that they are 215% less volatile than the index.
Earnings and Valuation
The following table presents a comparison of gross revenue, net income, and valuation between Aeries Technology and its competitors.
Gross Revenue | Net Income | Price/Earnings Ratio | |
Aeries Technology | $72.51 million | $15.66 million | 1.63 |
Aeries Technology Competitors | $1.52 billion | $105.06 million | 0.04 |
While Aeries Technology has lower revenues and earnings compared to its competitors, it has a higher price-to-earnings ratio, indicating it is trading at a higher valuation relative to its earnings.
Institutional and Insider Ownership
A significant portion of Aeries Technology's shares—99.2%—is held by institutional investors, a stark contrast to the average of 44.6% for companies in the management consulting services sector. Only 1.5% of Aeries Technology shares are owned by company insiders, compared to 25.3% for its industry peers. The high institutional ownership suggests strong confidence from large investors in the company’s potential for growth.
In conclusion, Aeries Technology outperforms its rivals based on six out of the nine evaluated factors, showcasing its strengths in profitability and stability compared to competitors.
About Aeries Technology
Aeries Technology, Inc., founded in 2012 and headquartered in Singapore, serves as a professional services and consulting partner across North America and the Asia Pacific. Its services include management consultancy for private equity firms, software solutions, IT infrastructure, cyber security, ERP and CRM management, and business process enhancements.
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Aeries, Technology, Competitors