
ChatGPT Gains Memory Features Allowing Users to Choose What It Remembers and Forgets

Published February 13, 2024

In a significant development for enhanced personalized interactions, users will soon have the ability to instruct ChatGPT to retain or erase specific information. This functionality is part of a new memory control feature initially made available to a select group of users. Over time, as it becomes more refined, all users will gain access to this powerful capability.

New Memory Controls Introduced

OpenAI has begun a testing phase for new memory controls within ChatGPT, offering the option for both free and paid users to direct the AI to remember or forget certain details. These controls permit users to manage ChatGPT's memory functions, including the ability to view memorized information or switch off the memory feature entirely.

Enhancing ChatGPT's Relevance

The purpose of these enhancements is to allow ChatGPT to carry learning from one conversation to the next, thereby providing more pertinent responses according to user preferences. Users are empowered to specifically ask ChatGPT to remember particular details or to allow the AI to organically capture information during chats. The functionality is expected to improve with usage and time.

Practical Uses of Memory Function

Imagine asking ChatGPT to recall your preference for driving over public transport, or emphasizing that you have young children, to tailor responses accordingly. Memory controls can also be beneficial for business applications, such as keeping track of content preferences for blogging or programming languages and frameworks.

Separate Memories for GPT Variants

Custom chatbots, known as GPTs, which are available through the GPT Store, have their own memory systems. For example, a Books GPT can remember your reading history and preferences. These memories are kept separate and are not exchanged with ChatGPT's memories.

Privacy and Memory Management

ChatGPT's and GPTs' memory features can be turned off from the settings menu, whereby the AI will neither create nor utilize memories. Users can also view and remove specific memories or completely wipe the slate clean. Memory deletion is distinct from chat history deletion, meaning memories must be erased independently to be completely forgotten.

Although the default setting is to enable the memory feature, OpenAI is conscientious about avoiding proactive memory of sensitive information and provides an option for users to opt-out or limit memory storage for enhanced privacy. Furthermore, a new Temporary Chat mode offers users a conversation with a fresh start, where no previous interactions or memories are considered.

ChatGPT, memory, privacy