
UBS Analyst Continues to Favor Oracle Corp with a Buy Rating

Published November 20, 2023

Oracle Corporation, a global leader in business software, remains a strong player in the technology market with its diverse portfolio of products and services. UBS analyst Karl Keirstead recently reaffirmed his positive stance on the company, maintaining a Buy rating on the stock. Investors are taking note of Oracle's consistent performance, in particular its prowess in software license support and cloud services, which accounts for more than seventy percent of its net sales.

Oracle's Market Breakdown

With a varied range of offerings, Oracle's revenue streams are well-distributed across different sectors. The company is not only a giant in software license support and cloud services but also deals substantially in the sale of cloud and on-premise software licenses. This includes an array of products such as database and application management software, providing solutions for customer relationship management and supply management among others. Moreover, a smaller yet significant part of Oracle's revenues comes from hardware sales and customer services.

Global Reach

Oracle's business has a broad geographic footprint. While the United States represents nearly half of its net sales, the company has a significant presence in the UK, Japan, Germany, Canada, and other global markets. This international distribution of sales underlines Oracle's wide-spread influence and the global need for its software and service solutions.

Oracle, UBS, Buy