
George Carlin Revived by AI, Daughter Defends Legacy

Published January 11, 2024

Over a decade since the iconic comedian George Carlin passed away, he has been virtually resurrected through an AI technology for a comedy special, leading to outcry from his daughter Kelly Carlin. She has condemned the use of her father's likeness in such a manner, calling it an infringement on his artistic legacy.

AI Imitates Carlin in New Special

The AI-generated program titled 'George Carlin: I’m Glad I’m Dead' is the result of Dudesy, an AI platform that collaborates with human entertainers to create new content. Dudesy explained that its rendition was painstakingly modeled after Carlin's unique performance style, mirroring his tone and material it presumed he would engage with if he were still alive.

In this questionable homage, the AI tackled modern issues such as gun violence and technological dependence, even hurling satirical jabs at modern tycoons. Despite this, the AI made it clear that it was merely an imitation, akin to a comedian doing an impression of a famous personality.

Kelly Carlin Speaks Out

Kelly Carlin took to social media platforms to express her unease about the representation of her father by an AI, emphasizing the irreplaceable nature of his human insight and skill. She asserts that the reproductions offered by AI cannot match the original wit and intelligence of the man himself.

She also encouraged the appreciation of living comedians and suggested revisiting George Carlin's extensive collection of authentic material for those seeking his comedic genius. In follow-up comments, she voiced concerns about the potential damage to her father’s legacy and artistic value, strongly criticizing companies that exploit artistic works without regard to the original creators or their estates.

comedy, AI, ethics