
Asia-Pacific Region's General AI Spending to Triple, China Takes the Lead

Published January 27, 2024

The Asia-Pacific region is poised for a significant surge in general artificial intelligence (AI) investment, with projections estimating a leap to $3.4 billion by 2024. This forecasted growth in spending indicates a tripling of figures within a short time frame, marking the region as a rapidly expanding marketplace for AI technologies. The increase in financing is driven primarily by advancements and applications of AI across various sectors, from healthcare to finance, and the continuous push for innovation.

China Dominates Investment Growth in General AI

China is taking a formidable lead in this upsurge, with investment numbers expected to swell by an impressive 160% to hit $2.1 billion. This upturn reflects China's ambitious AI strategies and its focus on becoming a global AI superpower. By strategically funneling resources into general AI, China is looking to boost its technological prowess and economic growth, further cementing its position at the forefront of the AI race within the Asia-Pacific cadre.

Investment Spread Across Key APAC Nations

While China is at the helm, the investment boosts will also be observed across several other major APAC economies. Countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Japan, India, and Singapore are also increasing their stakes in the AI sector. This collective regional investment reflects an overall enthusiasm for the potential of AI to transform economies and societies, shaping a better, more efficient future.

Discoveries by the research division of Infosys offer valuable insights into these financial trends, reflecting broader economic shifts and the importance of AI in the digital transformation journeys of countries within the Asia-Pacific region.

China, Investment, AI