
Software Buyers Demand AI Integration Despite Tightening Budgets

Published February 23, 2024

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, it's no surprise that software buyers are increasingly focused on acquiring artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities within their technology stack. Even as financial constraints tighten, a notable survey encompassing the opinions of 2,500 executives has shown that the allure of AI is powerful enough to overshadow concerns about security and expense. Businesses are eagerly eyeing AI as the key to unlocking new levels of efficiency and competitive edge.

Shifting Priorities in Software Investments

Gartner Digital Markets, leveraging their expertise in market insight, recently took a deep dive into what drives software acquisition decisions among executive leaders. They discovered that while a fifth of respondents are contemplating changes to their software providers due to dissatisfaction, a staggering 61% are on the lookout for upgrades, specifically those powered by AI, which is perceived as a critical tool for staying relevant in the market.

Indeed, the research highlighted that a whopping 92% of businesses are considering AI investments in the coming year. This interest in AI is reshaping buyer priorities, overshadowing traditional concerns like cost and security. While almost half of the surveyed executives (47%) still prioritize security in their software choices, a larger portion appears willing to de-prioritize it in favor of AI features.

The Cost Versus Innovation Balance

Budgetary considerations remain pertinent, with 31% of businesses having substituted their software with more cost-efficient alternatives. Furthermore, more than half of the buyers have shunned vendors whose offerings were too expensive, highlighting the delicate balance between innovation and financial prudence. Additionally, the survey cited reliability issues with software, evidencing that 21% have rejected software purchases on the grounds of excessive bugs or failure proneness.

Customization: A Preferred Choice

The survey also shed light on the preference for customization in enterprise software solutions. Despite the rise of ready-made software packages, a majority of 59% of managers favor solutions tailored to their specific needs over off-the-shelf options. This desire for bespoke software underlines the emphasis buyers place on having a technological edge customized to their operations.

With IT management, architecture, and security topping the expenditure charts, it's evident that organizations are rigorously investing in bolstering their internal IT capabilities. However, motivations for these investments are guided by the pursuit of increased productivity, operational improvements, and amplified security measures.

The Road to Software Acquisition

The journey to finalizing software purchases is not a rapid one, averaging around five months. During this evaluation period, emphasis is placed on the vendor's support for integration, collaborative attitudes, and the sales team's ability to understand and address buyers' unique challenges. Ultimately, most software purchasers narrow down their choices to a quartet of vendors who they deem capable of meeting their exacting standards.

AI, software, investment