
The Environmental Impact of AI-Generated Images

Published December 4, 2023

A study by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the AI startup Hugging Face has brought to light the energy consumption and carbon footprint associated with producing AI-generated images. Their research reveals that the process of creating one image with AI technology roughly equates to the energy used to charge a smartphone. In contrast, text generation activities such as engaging with chatbots or refining written content use significantly less energy.

AI and the Environment

The teams examined a variety of 13 different AI tasks, which included summarization and text classification among others. They measured the carbon dioxide emissions tied to each task, focusing specifically on the amount produced for every 1,000 grams of carbon dioxide. This investigation has prompted a call to action for greater transparency within the AI field concerning the environmental effects of these technologies.

The Popularity of AI and Its Costs

One example cited is OpenAI's ChatGPT, a widely used chatbot, which has more than 10 million daily users and a staggering 100 million users on a monthly basis. Given its heavy usage, the energy consumption becomes a significant concern. The research encourages machine learning professionals to openly discuss the environmental implications of their models to foster a better understanding of their carbon footprint.

AI, environment, research