
North Korea Amplifies Hacking Efforts Using Artificial Intelligence

Published January 24, 2024

According to a recent disclosure by South Korea's National Intelligence Service, North Korea has been leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance its cyberattacks and illicit activities on the internet. This revelation was made public on Wednesday, indicating a significant advancement in the North's cyber capabilities.

Emergence of AI in Cyber Operations

It’s been brought to light that North Korea's hackers are now utilizing generative AI technology to identify potential hacking targets as well as to scout for required hacking techniques. This represents a strategic shift in the way cyberattacks are being orchestrated, making them potentially more effective and difficult to counter.

Increasing Hacking Attempts

Data presented by the intelligence agency showed a significant increase in the number of hacks, particularly in the public sector. An estimated 1.62 million hacking attempts were made in 2023, which is a 36% hike from the year before. Analysis suggests a staggering 80% of these were conducted by North Korea, with an additional 5% originating from China.

Targets and Tactics

Notably, Pyongyang's cyber operations have reportedly focused on various South Korean government agencies, including agricultural and fishing sectors. These attacks are believed to be motivated by an attempt to mitigate North Korea's ongoing food shortage crisis. Additionally, South Korean shipbuilding and defense entities have also been targeted. Expanding their strategy, North Korean operatives working in overseas tech companies are suspected of implanting malicious software to facilitate cryptocurrency theft, further underlining the multifaceted nature of the threat.

NorthKorea, Hacking, AI