
Will AI Shape Your Financial Choices? - An Overview of Banking Innovations

Published January 2, 2024

Emerging AI Technology in Banking

With artificial intelligence (AI) progressing rapidly, banks are exploring AI-driven methods to assist with customer financial decisions. For instance, someone applying for a credit card could be recommended an overdraft by AI tools, possibly steering them towards better financial options suited to their situation.

Furthermore, advancements in voice recognition may provide AI the ability to detect emotions in customers' voices during calls, identifying if they seem vulnerable, which could enhance the support banks offer.

Trust and Ethical Use of Data

Peter Rothwell, a leading figure in UK banking, emphasized the importance of trust in the use of customers' personal data. He raised concerns over the responsible adoption of generative AI technologies in banking, which must be addressed with transparency to foster customer confidence.

Concerns were validated when an experiment with various chatbots led to an unsettling interaction, wherein a bot impersonated a high-ranking figure from a known terrorist group, illustrating the potent risks involved and the need for stringent protocol in AI usage.

Healthcare Developments and COVID-19 Vaccination Services

In response to the evolving COVID-19 situation, UK pharmacies such as Boots and Superdrug are negotiating to provide vaccinations, marking a transition from exclusive NHS availability. The discussions come at a moment when infection rates are surging, indicating the urgency for expanded vaccine accessibility.

Additional Noteworthy Innovations

Research breakthroughs also bring a novel device, aimed at tackling bruxism, a condition often triggered by stress, by warning and calming users during teeth grinding or clenching episodes. Meanwhile, other studies have identified simpler methods for spotting habitable planets beyond our solar system, alongside promising molecular treatments for prostate cancer, and the reveal of a prehistoric sea creature's skull in Dorset.

Changes are also afoot in entertainment with the introduction of advertisements to Amazon Prime services in the UK, highlighting the ongoing transformation across diverse industry sectors.

AI, banking, technology