
Commonwealth Bank of Australia Enhances Mobile Banking with GenAI

Published November 30, 2023

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) is taking significant strides in improving its digital banking services by integrating generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) into its customer engagement engine. This innovative step is aimed at delivering hyper-personalized experiences to users of its mobile banking platform.

Embracing AI for Enhanced Personalization

Gavin Munroe, CBA's Group Chief Information Officer, highlighted the bank's longstanding commitment to leveraging AI technology. By incorporating over a hundred generative AI models, both large and small, CBA can offer more tailored services to its customers. This integration includes both proprietary and open-source models, ensuring flexibility and adaptability in the rapidly evolving GenAI landscape.

The implementation of GenAI technologies supports the bank's goal of creating highly relevant interactions with mobile app users by displaying customized content and features that address individual needs and preferences.

Pioneering Personalized Customer Interactions

Launched in 2016, the CBA's customer engagement engine has been a key component in facilitating meaningful conversations with customers on the mobile platform. Today, with the enhancement of GenAI, these conversations can be even more personalized, presenting tailored screens upon each user login. This adaptive approach to user experience ensures that the app remains relevant and intuitive for the user's evolving banking journey.

Additionally, new features and complexities are being woven into the mobile app, all with the intention of personalizing the user interface based on past interactions and interests. Dr. Andrew McMullan, CBA's Chief Data and Analytics Officer, expressed ambitions earlier in the year to boost engagement through various unique in-app experiences.

Beyond AI: A Spectrum of Initiatives

Alongside GenAI developments, CBA discussed efforts in other areas, including anti-fraud and scam prevention measures. Munroe celebrated the successful implementation of features like NameCheck and CallerCheck verification, which have collectively saved customers $200 million from scams.

The bank's digital and customer executive, Meg Bonighton, shared updates on the recent CommBank App v5, citing substantial increases in customer engagement through the integration of trading capabilities and improved money management tools.

Bonighton also revealed the app's 'dynamic navigation' feature, which enhances feature discoverability and contributes to a more personalized user experience.

Expanding Horizons with CommBank Yello and Smart Real Estate Payments

Notably, CBA introduced CommBank Yello, an AI-driven recognition program that serves personalized benefits to over 8 million customers. In addition, the bank is also piloting Smart Real Estate Payments in its business banking division, which promises to alleviate administrative tasks for real estate dealings.

The bank's engagement with the agricultural sector is equally noteworthy, moving forward with Pairtree Intelligence—a program that consolidates data from various AgTech companies—for better decision-making and product design.

CBA, GenAI, personalization