
Udemy Reports Remarkable Demand for Generative AI Skills in ChatGPT's First Year

Published November 29, 2023

In San Francisco, on the brink of ChatGPT's first anniversary, the prominent learning platform Udemy unveiled significant data reflecting a global surge in the demand for generative AI expertise. This boom has been attributed to both organizations and individual professionals seeking to stay competitive and innovative in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Udemy Spearheads Generative AI Learning

Senior Vice President Scott Rogers from Udemy disclosed that the platform was amongst the forerunners in offering generative AI learning resources. This includes a ChatGPT course launched merely 11 days after the AI's debut. Since then, Udemy's generative AI course enrollments have skyrocketed to over 2.8 million learners.

Extensive Reach and Diverse Learning

The data collected between November 2022 and October 2023 shows that nearly 800 instructors have contributed to over 1,000 ChatGPT-related courses on Udemy's platform, witnessing over 2.2 million enrollments worldwide. Courses are available in 25 languages, with the highest enrollment numbers stemming from India, the United States, Japan, Mexico, and the U.K., reflecting the vast impact of generative AI across different regions and languages.

Generative AI Skills in the Professional Sphere

Organizations are increasingly recognizing the need to empower their workforce with generative AI skills, with the highest uptake seen in professional and consulting services, technology, and manufacturing, among other industries. The popular courses cover a range of AI-related topics including Midjourney, AI art, Python programming, and utilizing ChatGPT prompts, proving the expansion of AI learning into various functional domains such as marketing and project management.

The Economic Impact and Corporate Adoption of AI

With insights from Udemy's '2024 Global Learning & Skills Trends Report', generative AI is potentially positioned to revolutionize work by automating up to 30% of current job hours by 2030, potentially adding an impressive $15 trillion to the global economy. Udemy itself has reported a 60% uptick in AI training over the past year, with an exponential surge in demand for ChatGPT courses in particular.

Corporate Strategies for Embracing Generative AI

Udemy's latest event showcased industry leaders discussing the importance of generative AI knowledge for all employees. Emphasizing the role of AI in creating new job roles and the transition towards a skills-based economy, leaders are encouraged to guide their teams through the technological shift with resilience and agility to maintain a competitive edge.

Towards a Future Enhanced by AI

AI is indeed transforming professional landscapes, offering efficiency and effectiveness as core benefits for businesses, as highlighted by Jim Lundy, CEO of Aragon Research. The focus for organizations now is to find AI solutions that not only address functional requirements but also security and privacy.

For a more detailed overview of how professionals globally are engaging with generative AI tools and for opportunities to upskill, the Udemy platform is an invaluable resource in the pursuit of a knowledge-equipped future.

Udemy, AI, ChatGPT