
Saudi Arabia Aims to Become a Global AI Powerhouse

Published February 23, 2024

MIAMI – With an eye on the future of technology, Saudi Arabia is making a formidable pitch to become a leading center for artificial intelligence (AI) development, leveraging its extensive energy resources and financial strength. Yasir Al-Rumayyan, the governor of the Middle Eastern nation's Public Investment Fund (PIF), outlined the kingdom's advantages during a presentation at an investment event in Miami.

Strategic Positioning for AI Supremacy

Al-Rumayyan emphasized Saudi Arabia's readiness to become an AI hub, positioned strategically outside the influence of the United States. "We are fairly well positioned to be an AI hub outside of the U.S.," he stated. This confidence stems from Saudi Arabia's status as a leading global player in both fossil fuel and renewable energy sectors, crucial for the energy-intensive AI technology industry.

Saudi Arabia's Commitment to AI

The ambitious vision for AI development is supported by the kingdom's political determination and the substantial financial resources of the PIF. Saudi Arabia, notable as the top oil-producing country globally, plans to leverage its political and economic capabilities to foster significant advancements in AI technology. As part of this commitment, data centers are poised to play a central role in the country's strategy to meet the burgeoning demand for generative AI, which necessitates vast computing power.

Investment and Infrastructure

Developing AI solutions involves training complex algorithms through thousands of chips housed within expansive data centers. As tech organizations grapple with the rising costs of electricity for their data-intensive operations, Saudi Arabia's energy leadership offers a competitive advantage. The PIF plans to invest heavily within its nation, earmarking more than 70% of its funds for domestic projects. An international allocation of 20% to 25% is also in the cards, with approximately 40% of these investments directed toward the United States.

Al-Rumayyan disclosed that the PIF's annual investment outlay of $40 to $50 billion would increase to $70 billion annually between 2025 and 2030, signifying a robust financial commitment to the AI industry sector.

SaudiArabia, AI, investment