
AI Technology to Calm Angry Calls in Customer Service Centers

Published May 16, 2024

In a significant technology advancement for call centers, a new system that uses AI to tone down the voices of agitated customers has been introduced. This innovative solution, created through a collaborative effort between SoftBank and the University of Tokyo, is set to reduce incidents of call center harassment, commonly referred to as 'kasuhara' in Japan. The unveiled technology converts irate voice tones to gentler, more subdued ones, with an aim of protecting customer service agents from verbal abuse and potentially reducing staff turnover rates.

AI Voice Moderation and Its Significance

On May 15th, a noteworthy presentation highlighted how AI could transform a thirty-something male's angry tirade into a voice that resembled an anime character - less intense and pleasing to the ears. This emergence of voice modulation technology comes as a response to the challenging work environment of call centers, wherein employees are often exposed to harsh and aggressive language. The technology is expected to not just create a more pleasant work environment but also contribute significantly to retaining call center employees who frequently face such verbal hostilities.

Dealing with Anger: Insights from Experts

The issue of managing anger isn't confined to the realm of call centers. In our daily lives, we too encounter situations that trigger anger. A group of researchers from the Nagoya University Graduate School, led by Professor Nobuyuki Kawai, has discovered a simple yet effective method to manage anger—writing it down. The act of jotting down feelings of anger and subsequently discarding the paper seems to diminish the emotional burden. The experiment indicated that students who wrote about their anger and then threw the paper away felt a reduction in their anger levels compared to those who merely wrote it down without discarding it.

Practical Tips for Anger Management

Experts suggest that the way we capture our angry thoughts on paper also matters. Writing objectively about the reasons for anger, in specific detail, can offer a more effective outlet. This method, along with the physical act of crumpling and tossing the paper, can provide a sense of relief and be a step towards dissipating strong emotions. Aside from writing, other activities such as drawing or speaking to someone might help channel feelings creatively or provide the necessary emotional release to keep anger in check.

AI, technology, anger