
OpenAI Halts AI Voice Similar to Scarlett Johansson From 'Her'

Published May 20, 2024

In an effort to create a highly advanced AI companion reminiscent of the technology featured in the film 'Her', OpenAI has recently found itself amid a curious situation. The artificial intelligence entity generated by OpenAI bore an uncanny vocal resemblance to Scarlett Johansson's character in the movie. Despite their initial plans, the similarity was deemed too close for comfort, and they have since decided to retract that particular AI voice.

Discovery of the Resemblance

Although OpenAI's goal was to craft a conversational AI with voices that inspire trust and convey warmth, their AI, named Sky, was reported to sound like an unintentional imitation of Scarlett Johansson's distinct voice from the film. OpenAI clarified in a blog post that this wasn't their intention, explaining that Sky's voice originated from a professional actress and her natural speaking voice, without intent to mimic any celebrity, for the sake of privacy and originality.

The Controversy and OpenAI's Response

After receiving reports and opinions that the Sky voice closely parallels Johansson’s portrayal, OpenAI reviewed the situation. To address concerns, they suspended the use of Sky's voice. They also shed light on the selection process for their AI voice talent, stating that criteria included diversity and multilingual ability, a timeless and approachable voice quality, along with a natural and engaging tone that exudes confidence and charisma.

The Future of AI and Voice Technology

The debate around the Sky voice raises questions about the emotional attachments users may form with AI companions and the ethics of replicating celebrity voices. The broader implications of AI in society and how it intersects with rights to likeness and personal identity are becoming increasingly important discussions. OpenAI has paused usage of the Sky voice but has yet to announce if this change will be permanent or if adjustments will be made to differentiate it further from Johansson's signature sound.

OpenAI, ScarlettJohansson, AI