
Broadcom Announces 10-for-1 Stock Split to Boost Accessibility

Published June 12, 2024

In a significant move to increase the accessibility of its shares, Broadcom Inc., a major player in the semiconductor and software industry based in Palo Alto, California, announced its intention to undergo a 10-for-1 stock split. This action is designed to make the company's stocks more affordable for both investors and employees, potentially expanding its shareholder base.

Understanding the Stock Split

A stock split is a decision by a company to increase the number of its outstanding shares by issuing more shares to current shareholders. For Broadcom, this means that for every share currently held by an investor, they will now hold ten shares after the split. As a consequence of the split, the price of individual shares will be reduced, although the overall value of the company remains the same because the market capitalization is a product of the share price and the number of shares outstanding.

Implications of the Split

By making shares more affordable, the stock split is expected to attract a larger group of investors. For employees, the split represents an opportunity to invest in the company’s future. Broadcom's decision to enact the split follows the company's shares reaching an all-time high, with a closing price of $1,495.51 before the announcement. Stock splits are often perceived positively by the market as they can potentially increase liquidity and make the stock more appealing to small investors.

The stock split is scheduled to take place once amendments to Broadcom's certificate of incorporation are completed. The company's shares will begin trading on a split-adjusted basis starting July 15. This strategic decision is regarded as a forward-thinking move for Broadcom as it continues to expand its presence in the competitive technology sector.

Broadcom, StockSplit, Investment