
The Implications of Microsoft's Involvement with OpenAI for Competition Regulation

Published November 20, 2023

Recent developments have raised eyebrows in the tech community as Microsoft continues to integrate top executives and AI engineering talent from OpenAI, a company they've heavily invested in. This intensive integration prompts a burning question: how will competition regulators respond to this transfer of AI resources into Microsoft's domain?

Reconstructing OpenAI Within Microsoft

Following unsuccessful attempts to reinstate ousted CEO Sam Altman at OpenAI, the executive, along with President Greg Brockman and several key AI engineers, have notably joined Microsoft. As a result, Microsoft is establishing a new AI research division that seems to resemble an in-house duplication of OpenAI's capabilities, signaling a potential significant shift in the AI landscape. This move could further provoke potentially hundreds of OpenAI staff to migrate to Microsoft, as suggested by a letter from employees expressing dissatisfaction with the startup's board and indicating a possible mass resignation.

Microsoft's Strategic Response

In the midst of these transformative events, Microsoft's leadership message remains stoic, focusing on the ongoing partnership with OpenAI. CEO Satya Nadella has conveyed confidence and commitment to the product roadmap, aiming to reassure both investors and regulators that the company's operations continue as planned, and that Microsoft's role remains that of a partner rather than a dominant player in AI development.

Regulatory Hurdles and Market Dynamics

Despite Microsoft maintaining a minority stake in OpenAI, the rapid confluence of talent and technology between the two companies raises questions akin to a merger. However, this relationship exists in a grey area often beneath the radar of traditional merger and acquisition reviews. Antitrust experts are uncertain about the scope for regulatory intervention, given the complexity surrounding corporate control and executive movement.

International Regulatory Positions

While authorities have previously scrutinized Microsoft's moves, such as its possible antitrust implications with the Activision acquisition, the relationship with OpenAI has yet to elicit similar responses from regulators. For instance, Germany's Federal Cartel Office has currently ruled that Microsoft's interaction with OpenAI does not fall under merger control, although it has left room for future reassessment should Microsoft's influence on OpenAI increase substantially.

Looking to the Future

Competition economists emphasize the need for regulators to develop robust methods to examine deals that could significantly impact the market landscape, despite their subtlety. As Microsoft's cloud computing prowess enhances its stance in AI, and the relationship between Microsoft and OpenAI deepens, the onus falls on antitrust watchdogs to remain vigilant and be prepared to act on potential future market dominance and monopolies within the AI sector.

Microsoft, OpenAI, regulation