
Rock Icon Roger Daltrey Warns AI Could Spell Doom for Music Industry

Published March 13, 2024

Roger Daltrey, legendary vocalist of The Who, has a bleak vision of the future where the evolution of artificial intelligence poses a serious risk to the music industry. His concerns come amidst a growing unease among artists over AI's capacity to clone voices and create music that may lack the human touch. Daltrey's storied career has spanned over five decades with his band being known for their groundbreaking sound and powerful live performances.

Fears of AI in Music

The advent of AI technology has not been welcomed by the rock icon. He's expressed his unease about how AI might mimic the intricacies of human creativity and emotion in music, potentially displacing genuine artists. In a podcast, he mentioned, 'It's going to destroy the music industry if we're not careful... music is a different language, and we shouldn't let AI control that.' Daltrey strongly holds to the belief that empathy is an integral part of music—an attribute that AI currently lacks and may never truly possess.

The Impact of Modern Technology

Daltrey extends his critique beyond AI to the broader impact of technology on human behavior and society. He's spoken out about how smartphones and television may be 'brainwashing' humanity, leading to a less engaged, more passive existence. He warned of a dystopian future where 'robots' could run amok, and shared his concerns that people are becoming too reliant on their devices. Asserting that 'life isn't looking down – it’s about looking up,' Daltrey advocates for a more active, involved way of living, unshackled from the constant pull of technology.

A Life of Looking Up

As a cultural figure who’s witnessed the massive shifts brought about by technology over the years, Daltrey calls for awareness of how these changes are shaping our lives. Despite the allure and convenience of gadgets, he invites everyone to lift their gaze from their screens and engage more fully with the world around them, preserving the emotional core of human experiences like music.

music, AI, technology