
UK’s British Standards Institution Releases First International AI Safety Guideline

Published January 16, 2024

The UK's national standards body, the British Standards Institution (BSI), has taken a pioneering step by publishing the world's first international guideline aimed at ensuring the development of safe and ethical artificial intelligence (AI) products and services. This groundbreaking initiative has significant implications for the way organizations handle AI technologies.

Introducing AI Management System Standard

The newly issued guidance advises on establishing, implementing, and maintaining an AI management system. It emphasizes continuous improvement and incorporates crucial safety measures. The BSI's document provides a set of directions for businesses eager to adopt AI tools in a manner that is both secure and responsible.

Navigating AI’s Challenges and Opportunities

The creation of the guideline comes at a time of intense discussion concerning the regulation of the rapidly advancing field of AI. Highlighting the urgency of such standards, the past year has seen a surge in the prevalence of AI, partly due to the public release of generative AI platforms, including ChatGPT.

Last November, the UK hosted the pioneering global AI Safety Summit, bringing together international leaders and key technology enterprises to deliberate over the ethical evolution of AI and potential severe risks it may pose, including its misuse in cyberattacks or even posing existential threats.

A Step Toward Building Trust in AI

Susan Taylor Martin, the chief executive of BSI, expressed that AI's transformative impact requires trust to effectively benefit society. The new standard marks a key milestone in providing organizations with the tools to responsibly manage this potent technology, laying the groundwork for AI to propel us toward a sustainable and improved future. BSI takes pride in leading the charge for AI's secure and trusted assimilation into society.

Guidelines for Responsible AI Use

The guideline includes requirements for conducting risk assessments tailored to specific contexts and introduces additional controls for AI products and services, whether used internally within organizations or offered to customers. Scott Steedman, BSI's director general for standards, described the widespread use of AI in UK organizations and an increased public call for protective frameworks. In the absence of comprehensive regulatory systems, the BSI seeks to facilitate industry alignment on safe AI practices through this new standard.

The standard balances innovation with best practices by focusing on mitigating key risks and enforcing accountability and protections, aiming to ensure that advancements in AI, such as medical diagnostic tools, autonomous vehicles, and digital assistants, do not come at the expense of privacy, safety, or fairness.

guideline, safety, AI