
Oracle Garners Continued Confidence from UBS with a Buy Rating

Published November 20, 2023

Oracle Corporation, a leading player in business software, continues to show its mettle in the tech world, notably earning a reaffirmed Buy rating from UBS. Karl Keirstead, an analyst at the banking giant UBS, stands by his bullish stance on Oracle's stock, endorsing its potential with a sustained target price of USD 135. This vote of confidence, predicated on Oracle's robust business model and market performance, highlights the company's viability in the competitive tech landscape.

The Oracle Profile

Oracle Corporation holds a prestigious rank as the world's foremost business software publisher. The company's operations span across a diverse range of tech solutions, with the majority of its net sales anchored in software license support and cloud services, which represent a dominant 71.1% of their business. In addition to this, Oracle also deals in the sales of cloud and on-premise software licenses (13.9%) - a category that encompasses a variety of essential software types such as databases, customer relationship management, supply management, and decision support systems, among others.

Global Reach and Revenue Streams

Oracle's commercial activities extend across the globe, with a significant portion of its net sales coming from the United States, which accounts for 47.7%. However, its international market is nothing to scoff at, comprising sales in the United Kingdom (5.5%), Japan (4.4%), Germany (4.2%), Canada (3.2%), and a substantial slice labeled as 'other' at 35%. Furthermore, the company's presence isn't limited to software alone; it also deals in hardware sales (7.5%) and provides customer services (7.5%).

This geographical distribution of sales and diverse portfolio prove that Oracle is not just surviving but thriving as a multifaceted technology enterprise. With its solid footing and UBS's backing, Oracle's business trajectory seems poised for enduring success.

Oracle, UBS, Stocks