
Global Telecommunications Leaders to Create Joint Venture for Advanced AI Language Models

Published February 26, 2024

Five global telecommunications giants, SK Telecom, Deutsche Telekom, e&, Singtel, and SoftBank Corp., have joined forces to innovate in the field of telecommunications via artificial intelligence. They plan to establish a joint venture specifically for creating advanced large language models (LLMs) tailored to the needs of the telecom industry. The initiative was unveiled during the Global Telco AI Alliance (GTAA) inaugural meeting held at MWC Barcelona 2024.

Customized AI for Enhanced Telecom Services

The purpose of the joint venture is to harness the capabilities of artificial intelligence to foster improved customer interactions within the telecom sector through digital assistants and chatbots. The alliance envisions developing multilingual LLMs that are highly specialized in languages such as Korean, English, German, Arabic, and Japanese, with expectations to expand to more languages in the future.

Impressive Reach Across the Globe

The collaborative effort plans to introduce innovative AI applications tailored to the markets of the GTAA's members, effectively serving an estimated customer base of 1.3 billion across 50 countries. These models will be optimized for telecom-specific questions, considering the distinction and nuances found in the telecommunications industry.

Pioneering a Tailored Approach to AI

Unlike general LLMs, those being developed by the joint venture will be more attuned to comprehend and process the specific vocabulary and customer intentions in the telecom context. This target-specific approach ensures that digital interactions will be more personalized and efficient, significantly enhancing the customer service experience.

A United Vision for the Future of Telecom

The leaders from each of the founding companies share a common vision of revolutionizing customer relations and uncovering new business models through this AI-powered transformation. They believe that working collectively enhances the potential to achieve breakthroughs in technology and service quality, benefitting customers across the globe.

About the Founding Companies

Each founding member brings a rich background of innovation and influence within the telecom sector. SK Telecom is evolving into a leading AI company, Deutsche Telekom is renowned for its substantial user base, e& has established itself as a technology leader with strong financials, Singtel boasts extensive customer reach in Asia, Australia, and Africa, and SoftBank Corp. is expanding beyond regular telecom services to offer advanced technological solutions. The joint venture is anticipated to be established within the current year.

AI, telecom, innovation