
Disney Set to Stream 3D Movies on Apple Vision Pro as Rabbit R1 Could Shift the Smartphone Paradigm

Published January 18, 2024

AI-washing has reached consumer tech, transforming the landscape of internet-connected devices. Amidst the flurry of supposed AI-powered products, from high-tech grills to AI-enhanced mattress toppers, a significant spotlight is on a novel gadget that might be more than just another toy. The Rabbit R1, a device portrayed as an AI 'pocket companion', is looking to stand out in the competitive tech arena, offering an alternative to traditional smartphones and has remarkably amassed over 40,000 pre-orders, all priced at $199. Its creators, Rabbit, have also secured a substantial $30 million in investment, suggesting a strong belief in the R1's potential to initiate a shift in the mobile device market.

Meanwhile, Apple faces challenges in the smartwatch sector, as sales of its two latest models, Series 9 and Ultra 2, have been halted in the US due to an ongoing patent dispute with medical tech company Masimo. An appeals court has reversed Apple's permission to sell its watches during litigation, affecting their import as well. In response, Apple plans to circumvent the ban by disabling the contested blood oxygen monitoring feature, illustrating the complexities of innovation in the tech industry.

Disney+, a leading force in entertainment, has confirmed that 3D movies will soon be viewable on the Apple Vision Pro VR headset. This move will cater to fans of high-profile blockbusters such as Avatar: The Way of Water, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and Avengers: Endgame. With a promise of high frame rate viewing experiences, this update is anticipated to bring a new depth to home entertainment. Users can expect a dedicated section for 3D movie content specifically designed for the Apple Vision Pro.

In a broader context, the head of the United Nations, António Guterres, has issued a stark warning about the rapid and potentially reckless expansion of big tech companies into artificial intelligence. At the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Guterres emphasized the urgent need for regulation to manage the risks associated with AI advancements, likening the potential perils to the global challenge posed by climate change.

In the realm of sustainable energy, UK households may soon adopt solar panels through a government-supported subscription model aimed at fostering green technology. A London-based firm, Sunsave, is set to pilot a program that will allow residents to install solar panels on a monthly payment plan, removing the financial barrier of an upfront cost. This innovation is part of a broader initiative in which twelve projects have secured a share of £16 million in government funding to reduce energy expenditures.

Finally, Meta, a major player in social media, is undergoing a change in leadership. Sheryl Sandberg has announced her departure from the director role after a remarkable twelve-year tenure which saw Facebook morph into a towering force in technology. As one of the most influential women in tech, Sandberg helped steer the company towards unprecedented growth and will continue to offer guidance in a reduced, advisory capacity.

Jan 18, 2024

Disney, Apple, RabbitR1, AI, Meta, SolarEnergy, UN, Patents, 3DMovies