
Artists Confront A.I. Challenges and Opportunities

Published May 1, 2024

As advancements in artificial intelligence (A.I.) technology reshape various industries, artists are advocating for regulation while simultaneously exploring the potential benefits A.I. offers for their creative processes. A notable example is musician FKA Twigs, who actively addressed her stance by testifying before Congress on April 30. Her call for regulation was accompanied by an insight into her own A.I. experiments.

FKA Twigs Embraces A.I. while Advocating Regulation

Known for her innovation, FKA Twigs, whose real name is Tahliah Debrett Barnett, is not only forward-thinking in her music but in technology as well. Her testimony before lawmakers was in support of the proposed 'Nurture Originals, Foster Art and Keep Entertainment Safe' (NO FAKES) Act. She revealed her use of A.I. deepfakes to replicate her image and voice in multiple languages, aiming to utilize this technology for handling her social media persona.

A.I. in the Spotlight of the Media Industry

Last year, the appearance of A.I.-created celebrity assistants on the Meta platform sparked discussions on the intersection between entertainment and technology. Notable figures suddenly had A.I. counterparts engaging with users, signifying a shift in industry perceptions of A.I. Despite these developments, concerns about the negative implications of A.I. on the creative industry persist.

Filmmakers and Musicians Explore A.I. Potentials

In the filmmaking sector, Tyler Perry has noted the impressive capabilities of OpenAI's video generator, Sora, which influenced his decision-making regarding studio expansions. Both T-Pain and Demi Lovato have also ventured into A.I. projects, indicating a trend among artists to integrate A.I. into their craft.

Concerns Over A.I.'s Impact Remain

Amidst the enthusiasm for A.I. technology, there's a growing chorus of artists expressing apprehension over its impact on creators' rights. Over 200 musicians have urged for a crackdown on A.I.'s potential to undermine the value of human artistry, with some, like Universal Music Group, taking explicit actions against platforms they believe fail to protect these rights.

Artists, AI, Regulation