
NVIDIA Dominates AI GPU Market with 90% Share

Published January 30, 2024

In the competitive landscape of AI GPUs, NVIDIA has secured a formidable lead with an estimated 90% market share. This staggering percentage underscores the challenge that competitors face as they strive to close the gap—a process that could take years. Despite the competitive efforts, NVIDIA’s market position appears solid, underscoring its dominance in AI GPU technology.

Projected Sales and Market Presence

NVIDIA is on track to sell an impressive number of AI GPUs, with projections ranging from 1.5 million to 2 million units just in the year 2024. Industry analysts from renowned firms such as Gartner and Moor Insights & Strategy have weighed in on the discourse, highlighting NVIDIA's success. Patrick Moorhead, CEO of Moor Insights & Strategy, emphasized NVIDIA’s market-making prowess that leaves competitors trailing behind: 'What NVIDIA does is they help create markets and that puts competitors in a very tough situation out there, because by the time they've caught up, NVIDIA is on to the next new thing'.

Software: NVIDIA’s Competitive Edge

The company's dedication to software is cited as a key factor in their continued success. Gartner's Vice President analyst Chirag Dekate pointed out, 'Software continues to be NVIDIA's strategic moat. These ... turnkey experiences enable NVIDIA to be at the forefront of mindshare, as well as adoption'. NVIDIA isn't only banking on current-gen Hopper H100 AI GPUs for their revenue stream. The more powerful Hopper H200 AI GPU is on the horizon, and the next-gen Blackwell GPU architecture along with the B100 AI GPU is also anticipated to debut this year.

NVIDIA, Market, Technology