
Alteryx Study Highlights Challenges for Future Enterprises in the AI Landscape

Published December 5, 2023

In light of a new study by Alteryx, Inc., the future of enterprises seems increasingly intertwined with generative AI-driven automation. This emerging trend is projected to be highly impactful on business operations, prompting a shift toward more regulation and a human-centric approach to technology. The independent research titled Defining the Enterprise of the Future compiles insights from 2,800 IT and business leaders worldwide, sketching a three-year outlook for enterprise operations in an AI-powered era.

AI's Influence on Businesses

The study suggests that organizations are gearing up for a future dominated by AI, focusing on regulated and responsible use of AI technologies. An impressive 82% of respondents acknowledge the existing impact of AI on their achievements, and over half are investing in advanced technologies to adapt to market shifts. Furthermore, there's a consensus that AI's prevalence will extend across all sectors, enhancing data analysis through automation. The call for regulations within sectors is strong; 89% of respondents support developing standards around AI usage to ensure responsible implementations.

The Human Factor in AI Futures

Though AI is transforming businesses, there's a growing emphasis on human skills, such as creativity and critical thinking, which are deemed indispensable for the future workforce. Interestingly, the expectation is for a surplus of tech talent in the near future. As businesses equip themselves for change, they recognize the need to blend technology with human potential to tackle uncertainties like cybersecurity threats, globalization, and evolving consumer behavior.

Empowering the Workforce and Ethical Concerns

Success in the future's tech landscape is believed to require not just cutting-edge technologies but also a skilled workforce. Companies plan to focus on diversifying employee skills and utilizing customer insights to adapt to external pressures. Trevor Schulze of Alteryx emphasizes the importance of leveraging the whole workforce to maximize technology's benefits and achieve a competitive edge.

Navigating a Data-Driven Future

The road to a data-intensive future demands that companies ensure effective digital transformation strategies, cultivate versatile talents, and leverage insights for agile business operations. The full Defining the Enterprise of the Future report by Alteryx provides further analysis on AI adoption and offers guidance on navigating this intelligent era.

automation, AI, regulation